TODAY: Thompson, Gun Violence Prevention Task Force to Hold Forum on Impact of Gun Violence  

Press Release


Washington – Today, Monday, June 5th, House Gun Violence Prevention Task Force Chairman Rep. Mike Thompson (CA-04) is holding a forum to engage on a wide range of gun violence prevention issues facing our country. The witnesses will highlight a diverse range of voices that are calling for action on gun violence prevention legislation. The witnesses will also discuss some of the best research and polling support for the effectiveness and popularity of gun violence prevention policies.

EMBARGOED UNTIL 1:00 PM EST: Witness testimony can be found here.

Chairman Mike Thompson
Members of the Gun Violence Prevention Task Force
Gun violence survivor
School psychologist
Education stakeholder
Law enforcement officer
Responsible gun owner
Gun violence researcher
Gun violence pollster
Local gun violence prevention advocate

Gun Violence Prevention Forum

Monday, June 5, 2023
1:00pm – 4:00pm

Dirksen Senate Office Building
Livestreamed on Rep. Thompson’s Facebook page

**Interested press should RSVP to**