Bay Delta Conservation Plan
The Bay Delta Conservation Plan (BDCP) creates a flawed process for moving forward to address our water challenges. It is not based on science and puts the interests of South-of-Delta water contractors before our farmers, fishermen and local communities. We cannot allow this deal to move forward. Many of our families and small businesses that depend on the Delta would have their livelihood stripped away and the Delta’s diverse wildlife would be destroyed. We need a plan that is transparent and based on sound science so that our Delta communities, businesses, fish, wildlife and environment are not harmed. I will keep fighting for a fair BDCP that protects our communities.

Gun Violence Prevention
As a hunter and gun owner, I believe that we should protect the Second Amendment right of law-abiding individuals to own firearms. As a dad and grandfather, I also believe that we have a responsibility to make our schools, streets and communities safe. We can do both by passing commonsense policies like comprehensive criminal background checks.

America is a nation of immigrants, and we are a stronger nation because of it. However, our current immigration system is broken and in need of repair. We need comprehensive reform that that rewards individuals who play by the rules, allows children of immigrants to get a college education, provides a pathway to citizenship for families who have been here for generations, and establishes a guest worker program for those here doing jobs Americans don’t want to do.

Jobs and the Economy
My number one priority as your member of Congress is growing our economy, creating good jobs and strengthening our middle class. That’s why I’m fighting for job creating investments in infrastructure, energy and education that will put people to work now, and put our economy on solid ground for years to come. If we make these investments, our district and our country will be better off – it will be a place where our middle class is strong and secure, where hard work is rewarded, where everybody gets a fair shot, and everyone has the opportunity to succeed.

Social Security and Medicare are two of the most important and successful government programs ever created. Each year, they reliably pay billions in benefits to millions of beneficiaries and deliver on our promise of protecting seniors who worked hard all their lives. Not only are they important for our seniors’ economic and health security, they are important to our economy. We must make sure the promise of Social Security and Medicare is 100 percent certain for generations to come.