Thompson Secures $2.3 Million for Solano County Projects in Government Funding Agreement

Press Release


Washington – Today, Rep. Mike Thompson (CA-04) announced that three projects in Solano County will receive a total of $2,309,752 in funding from the government funding agreement that will be considered by Congress later this week. Rep. Thompson secured $14,992,105 total for projects in California’s Fourth District.

“Community Project Funding requests allow our region to receive funding from the federal government for projects that will help improve our communities and invest in local priorities,” said Thompson. “I worked with partners in Solano County to identify these projects as priorities that would help protect our water, support our youth, and provide additional resources to our law enforcement. I look forward to seeing this funding help advance these important projects.”

The projects in Solano County are:
    •    $959,752 for the Rio Vista Wastewater Plant Consolidation and Reclaimed Water Project
    •    $850,000 for the Vacaville Neighborhood Boys & Girls Club
    •    $500,000 for the Dixon Police Department 2nd Story Expansion
Background on these projects can be found below.

The Rio Vista Wastewater Plant Consolidation and Reclaimed Water Project supports the Clean Water Act standards by eliminating the direct discharge of water into the Sacramento–San Joaquin River Delta, recharges the aquifer on which Rio Vista City relies for drinking water, and mitigates drought issues by providing a reusable water source.

The Vacaville Neighborhood Boys & Girls Club Project provides for the construction of a new, 8,000 square-foot Clubhouse with a 4,000 square-foot sport court vastly expanding the capacity to inspire and empower Vacaville’s youth. A new facility, designed specifically for the Vacaville Neighborhood Boys & Girls Club will double the number of children, up to 120 each day, that will benefit from the Club experience. A 4,000 square-foot sport court, just outside the new facility, will enhance the Club’s ability to offer recreation, games, and sporting experiences to children. The Brown Street location was intentionally selected to keep the Club accessible in the largest, low-income neighborhood of the Vacaville community. Offering life changing, evidence-based programs in life skills, academic success, character and citizenship development, healthy lifestyles, and recreation will only help to level the playing field for those who experience barriers to a productive and positive life. Also, the new 10,000 square-foot facility will include space for a computer lab to teach 21st century skills like coding, provide a homework center/STEM room to provide opportunities for academic success, and a game room for recreation and fun.

The Dixon Police Department 2nd Story Expansion project will secure a second story expansion to Dixon Police Department building. The expansion would add approximately 3,650 square feet of space and accommodate up to approximately 20 staff. With the growth that the City of Dixon is currently experiencing, it is necessary to expand the Police force and provide the members of the Police Department with an efficient and productive department in which to complete their work.