Thompson Releases Statement on Supreme Court Decision Striking Down the Chevron Doctrine

Press Release


Washington – Today, Rep. Mike Thompson (CA-04) released the following statement on the Supreme Court’s ruling overturning the Chevron doctrine:

“Today’s ruling by the Supreme Court jeopardizes our ability to effectively apply our nation’s laws across every sector of our society.

“For nearly four decades, the Chevron Doctrine has allowed federal agencies to employ experts—including scientists, engineers, researchers, and other leaders in their field—to make the technical and scientific judgements needed to carry out our laws.

“It’s thanks to the Chevron Doctrine that the Environmental Protection Agency is able to guarantee clean air, the Federal Drug Administration is able to authorize safe medicines, the Federal Emergency Management Agency is able to respond to disasters, and more. The ramifications of the Court’s ruling today cannot be overstated. Americans and our planet will be the ones paying the price.”