Press Release
Washington – Today, Rep. Mike Thompson (CA-04) released the following statement on the House’s passage of a Continuing Resolution:
“Tonight, I voted to avoid a potentially disastrous government shutdown ahead of the holidays.
“Since October, Democrats and Republicans negotiated in good faith to develop a bipartisan bill to fund our government. Republicans set the total amount of funding in the bill. Yet hours before we were set to pass that bill, Elon Musk and President-elect Trump intervened to kill it.
“I am disappointed that the Continuing Resolution passed tonight was not the negotiated Republican bill that Democrats agreed to support.
“However, I am pleased that the Continuing resolution Democrats helped pass includes critical disaster funding and funding for lifesaving fire breaks in our state.
“The Resolution also includes my bill to extend telehealth coverage benefits so that all Medicare beneficiaries retain access to critical services. Since my days in the California State Senate, I’ve been a big believer in telehealth’s ability to save money, time, and lives, and today’s telehealth extension ensures continued access to care for millions of Americans.
“As important, this bill did not extend a $4 trillion line of credit to President-elect Trump and Elon Musk so they could extend tax cuts to billionaires at the expense of Social Security and Medicare.”