Thompson Presents $4 Million Check to City of Clearlake for Burns Valley Sports Complex and Recreation Center Project

Press Release


Washington – Today, Rep. Mike Thompson (CA-04) presented a check for $4,116,279 to the City of Clearlake for the construction of the Clearlake Burns Valley Sports Complex and Recreation Center. Rep. Thompson helped secure this funding through the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2024.

“Youth sports benefit everyone in Clearlake,” said Thompson. “The Burns Valley Sports Complex and Recreation Center will not only provide a venue for Clearlake's young athletes to train and compete, it is also expected to stimulate our economy by bringing in tens of thousands of new visitors to Clearlake each year. I was proud to work with city officials to identify the need for this funding and secure over $4 million for the project.”  
The Clearlake Burns Valley Sports Complex Project will build a community sports and recreation center, expanding the community’s access to sports and recreational amenities and helping establish the city as a destination for sporting events and tournaments.  
At present, Lake County’s youth sports programs have no facilities to host tournaments. This project will bring a brand-new facility to the County. A study conducted by Synergy Sports Global predicts the project will bring in over 40,000 additional annual visitors to Clearlake and result in 10,000 more annual hotel room stays. The study also projects the new sports complex will generate an additional $8.6 million for the local economy each year.  
Today’s check is the second round of funding Rep. Thompson has helped secure for the Burns Valley Sports Complex Project. In January of 2023, Rep. Thompson presented the City of Clearlake with a $2,000,000 check to aid in the development of the complex.