Thompson Cosponsors Constitutional Amendment to Prevent U.S. Presidents' Complete Immunity

Press Release


Washington – Today, Rep. Mike Thompson (CA-04) joined Rep. Joe Morelle

(NY-25) and over 40 Members of Congress to introduce a constitutional amendment that will reverse the Supreme Court’s recent decision to grant U.S. presidents broad immunity from criminal prosecution.

“Maintaining a healthy and fair democracy means that no one—not even our commander-in-chief—is above the law. Yet last month, the Supreme Court of the United States undermined that principle and with it, the foundation of our democracy,” said Thompson. “The Supreme Court’s ruling to grant broad criminal immunity to the presidency runs counter to our country’s ideals, and I thank my colleague Rep. Joe Morelle for championing this measure to reinstate our rule of law.”

“Earlier this month the Supreme Court of the United States undermined not just the foundation of our constitutional government, but the foundation of our democracy. At its core, our nation relies on the principle that no American stands above another in the eyes of the law. I introduced this constitutional amendment to correct a grave error of this Supreme Court and protect our democracy by ensuring no president is ever above the law. The American people expect their leaders to be held to the same standards we hold for any member of our community. Presidents are not monarchy, they are not tyrants, and shall not be immune,” said Morelle.