Thompson Announces Applications Now Open for $7 Billion in Grants for Solar for All Program

Press Release


St. Helena – Today, Rep. Mike Thompson (CA-04) announced that applications are now open for the $7 Billion Solar for All grant competition. The competition funding will invest in residential solar projects, lowering costs for communities and advancing environmental justice. The funding for this project is from the Inflation Reduction Act, the most significant climate investment in our nation’s history.

“Taking on the climate crisis must be a top priority for Americans across our country,” said Thompson. “The Solar for All grants will help expand access to solar energy for underserved communities and make it easier for more Americans to transition to clean energy. Proud to have voted for the Inflation Reduction Act and I encourage all eligible entities in our district to apply for this outstanding funding opportunity.”

“For too long, overburdened communities on the front lines of the climate crisis have been left behind and locked out of clean energy investments and climate solutions. Thanks to President Biden’s Investing in America agenda, this historic boost in solar investments will advance millions of residential solar projects nationwide, protect people and the planet, deliver environmental justice, save families money, and create good-paying jobs. All communities deserve to participate in America’s growing clean energy economy and under this competition, we will bring more communities along, working together to build a healthier and cleaner future for all,” said EPA Administrator Michael S. Regan.

The Solar for All competition, which was created by the Inflation Reduction Act’s Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund (GGRF), will expand the number of low-income and disadvantaged communities primed for residential solar investment by awarding up to 60 grants to states, territories, Tribal governments, municipalities, and eligible nonprofits to create and expand low-income solar programs that provide financing and technical assistance, such as workforce development, to enable low-income and disadvantaged communities to deploy and benefit from residential solar.

To compete in this competition, all applicants are required to submit a Notice of Intent (NOI) to apply to this competition. The deadline for the NOI differs by applicant type and are:
    1    July 31, 2023, for states;
    2    August 14, 2023, for municipalities and eligible nonprofit recipients; or
    3    August 28, 2023, for Tribal governments and Intertribal Consortia.

Learn more about this competition here.