Rep. Thompson’s Statement on Tax Reform Meeting with the President

Press Release


Washington, DC – Today, Rep. Mike Thompson (CA-05) issued the following statement following a meeting with the President and a bipartisan group of members of the House Committee on Ways and Means at the White House:

“Today’s meeting with the President was an important first step towards bipartisan tax reform,” said Rep. Thompson. “It was the first opportunity we’ve had to get a bipartisan group of House Ways and Means Committee members and the President around a table to begin a discussion about comprehensive tax reform. The President listened to both Republican’s and Democrat’s priorities for tax reform and stated he is committed to bipartisan tax reform. I hope this is the first of many discussions between House Democrats, Republicans, and the White House to ensure tax reform is done in a responsible manner.

“As I’ve said before, in order for a tax reform bill to receive my support, it must be bipartisan, revenue-neutral, and built from the middle class out. I’m hopeful Democrats and Republicans can work together to get this done.”